Temple Grandin - photo by Rosalie Winard

Temple Grandin - photo by Rosalie WinardImpact Earth: Nature, Episode 1, Dr. Temple Grandin, professor of animal science at Colorado State University, consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior and autism spokesperson, is one of the first individuals on the autism spectrum to publicly share insights from her personal experience of autism and its relation to animals. She has a successful career consulting on both livestock handling, equipment design, and animal welfare. She has been featured on NPR (National Public Radio), national television shows (Larry King Live, 20/20, 60 Minutes, Fox and Friends) and has appeared in numerous articles in Time Magazine, New York Times, Discover Magazine, Forbes and USA Today. HBO made an Emmy Award winning movie about her life and she was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016. Learn more about this extraordinary woman and her amazing life: Colorado State University’s One-of-a-Kind Mind: Temple Grandin’s Amazing Life with Autism



  • Visual thinking is the key to Dr. Grandin’s work with livestock – autism helped her to understand animals and design ways of working with them.
  • Grandin was exposed to cattle when she was a teenager – youth can discover their passion when they are exposed to a variety of experiences.
  • What was the early research done by Dr. Grandin that laid the groundwork for her revolutionary work with animals? Who listened to that early work? Who valued what she was doing? Join us on this podcast to learn more!
  • Grandin has partnered with large meat buyers (like McDonald’s and Wendy’s) to spark change in their supply chain and she is seeing sweeping changes in the handling of cattle moving forward – the people doing the good thing for animals and our planet continues to expand.
  • The importance of going deeper – how does Dr. Grandin feel about going deeper to understand and seek truth? She provides important insights on this podcast.
  • Different kinds of minds work together – take your iPhone for example! Curious to understand what this means…listen to this show!
  • Grandin has a message for all of us about climate change and what we all can do to take the steps toward change – listen to be inspired.



Music used in this podcast is copyrighted and licensed through Turtle Island Records/Libby Roderick Music