I have said over and over again “I will never go completely vegan.” After all this time on the planet, I should know better. Never say never.

After seeing Forks Over Knives & Food Inc. reading the Omnivore’s Dilemma, and viewing & reading countless hours of other illuminating, life altering movies, books & articles, I can see where this is going. In the beginning of my journey I thought it was  all about eating less meat and moving towards cruelty free. Now the green light bulb that’s gone on is that it’s about eating fresher, organic, plant & vegetable and yes – even raw food. Now my heart & head tell me our lives  depend on it.  And now my head & heart tell me to hurry up and help spread the word to anyone who will listen.

Trivia question: when did corn syrup become a food group? 🙂