I love spreading interesting, green news and I love telling stories – both of which help. This time, however, I am hard-pressed to adequately or even semi-adequately, describe my experiences during my trip to Peru. And besides, I have promised on a fairly consistent basis to keep things short and to the point! Bear with me – please!
The majesty, splendor and indescribable beauty of the Rainforest and its people are simply not something put into words easily. The word sacred comes to mind. Riding up the Rio Ucayali and seeing PINK dolphins jump around our little boat is one great visual I ask you to contemplate. And being greeted by members of the Shipibo Indian Tribe, complete with native garb and beating drums, was an experience I shall remember – always. Part of my trip also included observing the stark, harsh, devastating reality of the wastelands that clear-cutting the forest brings. Seeing it myself took the entire discussion of preservation of the Rainforest out of any political or philosophical arena into a place of knowing that our planet needs to be dedicated to its preservation.
My trip to the high country, including Machu Picchu, Cusco and the Sacred Valley, was equally as profound and magical. Again – words are inadequate and not quite “big” enough!
And my final words about this indescribable trip are written as a tribute to a great man, with a world vision, and a kind, caring and generous heart – John Easterling, the founder of the Amazon Herb Company. He has been visiting the Amazon for over 30 years and it is because of him that we got to see and experience things that the average traveler cannot sign up for. One person can make a difference and John is making a big one – on a worldwide scale. If you are interested in learning more about this great man, his vision and his commitment to the preservation of the Rainforest and the indigenous people, follow this link to the Amazon Herb Company. You never know – that single action could start you on a path you may never have expected. A warm, sincere, heartfelt thanks to you, John.