See entire February 15, 2012 newsletter including upcoming radio show guests
Sustaining You
This might be the most out there newsletter yet but I know there are lots of you who will stay with me for the long haul. I am what I am. Here are the series of events in my life the last few days: Woke up Friday, went to turn on the computer ever-ready to share a green thought on Facebook and voila! No computer – the dreaded black screen. Turned it off and on again as sometimes that works magic and voila! Same black screen. Started the head work “take a couple of deep breaths, it’s only a machine, don’t cry, you will be able to do your show on Saturday because you have an iPad” all the way up to and including, “bad news is finding out one of your dearest friends has her cancer back.” Every one of those statements is true and my thoughts occurred almost in that order. I placed a call to our IT guys at TCR Solutions and Dan was at my home office within two hours. I think he was scarred from the last time my computer fried about three years ago and he was in the prevention mode. Bad news? My computer is fried. Good news? My computer is fried.
So how do we fast forward to “Sustaining You” and connecting the dots to my fried computer? Aha! Here’s the deal. Not having the electronic leash that I am connected to for hours every day gave me time to think. I thought about how out of whack life is for me and most people I know. I started thinking about how I liked this separation. One positive outcome? As soon as I finish writing this I am taking off for a wildlife preserve in southern Arizona. Mr. Green and I are celebrating his one year anniversary of surviving a pretty bad heart attack. It was a random thought that hit me last night and I started thinking about almost everyone I know. When do we/you EVER just blow off a work day to do something totally fun and off the grid and enjoyable and unplanned just because? When was the last time you spent 3 days away from an electronic device? When was the last time you called a friend or asked your husband or your partner or your roommate, at the last minute, unscheduled, not a planned get together and said “want to go…….for a hike, a walk, a glass of wine, a foot massage, a ride, a movie, a bite to eat?” (Notice I didn’t say come over and cook with me!) When was the last time you randomly took care of YOU in our over-scheduled, over-connected, overloaded with devices world to just do something that is delightfully you? What does your “Sustaining You” report card look like?
I would love to know and I would love to hear from you if you have done something recently to sustain you. But I will be really happy knowing that maybe, just maybe, because I wrote this newsletter and shared my personal story with you, you’ll just do “it” too! Sustainability starts from the inside out!