John Robb, Resilient Communities
I met John in May at the Monterey Sustainable Foods Conference hosted by Seafood Watch. Of all the presenters and amazing people I met, John literally had me from hello. He gets it. He can tell you the difference between sustainability and resiliency and why it matters. What kind of “cred” does he have? Read below and get as excited as I am about this show. From John’s about page: “So, rather than provide you a full list of what I’ve done (an excellent sleep aide), here’s a short summary: Tier 1 counter-terrorism operator and planner (you know, the guys that got Osama); a successful serial entrepreneur (I built companies, products, and hired people); inventor, astronautical engineer, top technology analyst; CEO, CTO, COO; professional pilot, author, officer, Eagle Scout, father, husband, and global traveler. In short? I’ve been there and done that. Fortunately, this broad experience is exactly why I can help you succeed.” This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.