Sustainability is a word that is probably over-used, misunderstood and even at times abused. At the end of the day, whether you know exactly what it means or not, it call comes down to being responsible in all of our actions – and I mean all.
Below is an example of one person who is making a huge difference in a local high school – so much so that someone else cared enough to write to me to share it. It’s the true ripple effect and one thing I hope you take away from this is the simplicity of the action & how we can all do just one thing to have an impact on the planet. That’s sustainability in action.
“Dear Gina,
Just wanted to put in a plug for Fr Rick Zamorano for being the club moderator at Salpointe. His reminders to recycle and asking for classroom and office staff help in placing blue bins all over campus has made a big difference. Folks like myself asked for our student aids to assist us in emptying the bins on a regular basis. The student aids even made posters to show their support and where thier assigned bins were stationed. I have to say this is the first year that the bins were over flowing at the end of the year when the students cleaned out their lockers. Books that were not sellable went to Fr Rick’s room for recycle, classroom use and the rest he is taking to World Care.
Thank you for all you are doing for out planet!
Theresa Bankert”
Thnak you, Theresa, for caring enough to share Fr. Rick’s story.