Again, truth be told, I think I could blog until I the cows come home (which would be a really long time since I live in Tucson.) It really is like an internal volcano to me at times and the words and thoughts  just have to come out of me.  Latest eruption? Jason Tankersley  and The Fairfax Companies. 

Here’s what you won’t find out by visiting their website.  Jason Tankersley never stops thinking about ways to recycle waste, about what more can be done to preserve the planet, about how his company can make a difference in our community in every conceivable way. It won’t tell you how tickled he is about Tank’s Green Waste – their naturally made organic compost with a  really cool logo that looks like an Ent from The Lord of The Rings. It won’t tell you how many charities they have supported, or about little plaques around town with “The Fairfax Companies” on the wing they helped build or the organizations they help fund.  It won’t tell you about how many times they lend equipment & staff to do projects they never charge for.  And it certainly doesn’t mention anywhere at all something that could read “if it weren’t for the support the Fairfax Companies, Mrs. Green might still be Mrs. Dream.” Nope – not Jason nor Theresa nor Dolly.  Nor anybody else I ever met who works there. They are just doing their part to make our planet a better place.  

Here’s my take.  Jason is appropriately proud of the leadership he and his company have exemplified both locally and nationally for years. But he works hard, walks the sustainable walk in almost every way (okay – so maybe the Mercedes is a bit of a stretch but he did get it at Chapman!) and he has dedicated his adult life into turning waste into something that can be reused in ways one never dreamed of. He wants to un-fill  landfills – no joke.

Eco-friendly? Sustainable community partner? Green from the inside out? Reduce, reuse, recycle?  Yup – they’ve got it all going on at The Fairfax Companies.  Read for yourself:

Ever wonder why I love being Mrs. Green? Oh the places I get to go and the people I get to spend time with.