







Danielle Riley, Organizer/Advocate Dolphin Free AZ &
Anna Kiley, Science Teacher and former dolphin trainer

Many people are unaware of the problems surrounding captive swim with the dolphin or whale programs and dolphin encounters, and the negative impact on all involved – humans, dolphins and whales. Just like orcas in captivity, these whales and dolphins suffer from the stress of captivity as well. Danielle and Anna strongly believe we can’t forget these amazing individuals and they are working to end captivity and create a world where every whale and dolphin is free.  Join us to hear about their crusade to prevent any more from being captured and held. What they share with us about the current state of affairs in their world may hurt but to know better is to do better so let’s listen to what they have to say. This show made possible due to the generous support of The Fairfax Companies.