I realize that some of the challenges I put out there might seem daunting. Like giving up your plastic bags. (But I use them for my pets…) Or taking your own to go containers to a restaurant. (But I always forget…) Meatless Mondays – say what? But this one is so easy!  Switch to CFL light bulbs. I swear you will thank me!

Truth be told, I didn’t like CFLs when they first came out.  They weren’t bright enough. Well, that’s so yesterday. You can buy them as bright as any incandescent light bulb.

So why would you? I know why I have and I wanted to share.  To help you make the switch, I swiped this from the TEP website.  Is there a downside? Pray tell.

Save Money:
Switch to CFLs and you’ll save up to $30 in
energy costs over the life of each bulb.

Save Energy:
CFLs use 75% less energy
than standard incandescent light bulbs.

Reduce Waste:
CFLs last up to 10 times longer than
incandescent bulbs so they reduce solid waste.

One step makes a difference!
When you buy and install
CFLs in your home, it helps reduce the amount of energy needed to light your
home. That means there is less demand at the power plant, which ultimately
translates into a reduced impact on our region’s natural resources.

More good stuff about making a difference AND saving money at www.tep.com