What’s Green About This Workplace?
“Golden Eagle Distributors, Inc. is committed to working green in our facilities, on the road, and at our events. Through our Green Team and several company led initiatives, GED green programs are making an impact.
We recycle aluminum, glass, cardboard, plastic, and paper. So far this year, Golden Eagle has recycled over 4 tons of aluminum, over 62 tons of glass and over 420 cubic yards of cardboard, plastic and paper. Recycling bins for paper and plastic are located throughout our facility.
Our “Green Team” encourages employees to recycle their empty beverage containers, reuse paper, and conserve energy by turning off lights in areas not in use. This team of employees helps keep Green initiatives at the forefront of our minds by rewarding employees who are “caught” recycling, and educating employees on green topics. GED employees helped clean up Kennedy Park in May and are planning another park clean up for October.
In addition, our facilities are receiving upgrades to be more energy efficient. We are installing new lights in our warehouse that will save 656,000 kilowatts per year, the equivalent of planting 121 trees per year. Our HVAC controls were changed earlier this year which resulted in our electric usage dropping 8.7% and our natural gas usage dropping 60%.
Our office is conveniently located on a bus route with a stop immediately in front of our building. We have employees who carpool regularly and we are part of the RideShare program. We actively communicate alternative modes of transportation and encourage carpooling.
GED is a member of the Tucson Regional Clean Cities Coalition. The Clean Cities Coalition promotes the use of clean fuels and clean-fuel vehicles in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program.
At special events throughout Tucson, Golden Eagle provides at no cost, reusable recycling bins so that events can promote recycling of beverage containers. We have started purchasing compostable beverage cups made from corn to be used at special events.
To promote clean waterways, each summer we provide recycling bags to area lakes including Lake Patagonia to encourage boaters to remove their trash and not litter.
Through the use of UPS Logistics software, we have rerouted our delivery vehicles to maximize routing efficiency. Looking forward we are researching alternative fuel methods for our delivery fleet.
What makes this workplace green? Being green is part of the way of life at Golden Eagle. We are always seeking out new ways to be more energy efficient, use less and reuse whenever possible.”
“Golden Eagle was green even before green was in. They not only adopt parks…their employees volunteer to clean them up.”
“Thanks for keeping Tucson green and having a positive impact on our environment for future generations!”
“Golden Eagle has always been a responsible and leading community business and they are leading the way to help make our community green.”