You’re Invited to TEP’s FREE Solar Energy Seminar.
Go back to school for 90 minutes and leave with a wealth of knowledge about solar energy, presented by the Solar Electric Power Association’s 2012 Investor-Owned Utility of the Year.
Topics include:
- Arizona’s Renewable Energy Standard
- How Investments in Renewable Energy Are Funded
- What Is TEP’s Role in Solar Development?
- What Are the Benefi ts and Costs to Our Community?
- Current and Future Solar Projects
- What’s next?
Register to win a solar backpack and learn how TEP has partnered with the University of Arizona, the City of Tucson, Pima County, local businesses and the community to make Tucson one of the largest sun-powered cities in the country.
No RSVP is necessary.
Tuesday, Sept. 18
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Amphi High School Auditorium
(125 W Yavapai Rd, Tucson)