Girl Scouts circling parachute
MacGyver-Marsh TankTucson Electric Power (TEP) began recognizing customers with BrightEE awards (now known as TEP Go Green Awards) five years ago to promote awareness of its energy efficiency programs, which help customers save energy while producing substantial environmental benefits. Join me to learn how TEP and the Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona have partnered for many years to teach girls how to save energy by upgrading to efficient LED lighting. Ready for this little teaser? During their annual cookie sales, how many LED lightbulbs did the Girl Scouts give out to the community? We will also find out what there is to know about a new energy efficient building, Angel Charity Place for Girls, which promotes health and wellness, art, entrepreneurship, and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for girls. I am always excited to hear about and learn about the power and impact of Girls Scouts and the Southern Arizona girl scouts are rocking our corner of the world. This show made possible due to the generous support of Tucson Electric Power.



  • MacGyver has a very personal story as to how she came to be involved in Girl Scouts – join us to hear this personal story.
  • Angel Charity for Children partnered with Girl Scouts to provide a new building to serve the girls of southern Arizona: Angel Charity Place for Girls
  • How is Girl Scouts promoting being in community? The insights are powerful and shared on the show.
  • The girls of Girl Scouts were very involved with the design of Angel Charity Place for Girls, the fund raising and the actual building of the space.
  • STEM programming is very strongly at play in the experience of scouts.
  • The Girl Scouts mission is to build girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. The Angel Charity Place for Girls is an essential environment to bring this mission to life.
  • The green elements designed into The Angel Charity Place for Girls are astounding – MacGyver shares key pieces on this podcast.



Music used in this podcast is copyrighted and licensed through Turtle Island Records/Libby Roderick Music